Columbus, Ohio | Information Compiled by Dennis Ranney | Member of General Roswell Ripley Camp - SCV
© 2025 Camp Chase Confederate Cemetery. All rights reserved.



W.H. Lastinger (grave #225) Company K 29th Georgia Regiment CSA - Back from the dead?


It seems like a little bit of everything happened at the Camp Chase Cemetery. The current tombstone at grave # 225 at the Chase Cemetery reads: W.H. Lastinger Company K 29th Georgia Regiment CSA. All would seem well until 1898.

In January of 1898 William H. Knauss wrote to the editor of the Confederate Veteran Magazine (S.A. Cunningham) with the names of the dead at the Camp Chase Cemetery in which Cunningham published in his magazine. (Note that the names were taken from Chaplain Tolford's work in 1867 as they had no stones in 1898) The following is word for word from the Confederate Veteran Magazine which can be found in Volume 6; page 169; 1898, about Knauss' report.


"W.H. Lastinger writes from Waco, Tex., that among the dead Confederate prisoners buried at Camp Chase, Ohio, published in the January Veteran, is ""W.H. Leatinger,"" Twenty-Ninth Georgia Regiment, of which he was a member. Knowing nothing of the name ""Leatinger,"" Mr. Lastinger supposes it was intended for himself. He is glad to report that he is ""still on the top side of terra firma, and in the enjoyment of good health. Mr. Lastinger continues: ""Until I read the January Veteran I knew not where lay G.W. Bonds, William Hodge, R. McKinney, John T. Sirmons, Elihu H. Tygart, and William Anderson, orderly sergeant- all members, as was I, of Company G, and, as appears from the honor-roll, buried at Camp Chase. The invocations of thousands of Confederates will go up to Almighty God in behalf of Col. Knauss, who has done so much to preserve the memory of our departed comrades. The name of John T. Sirmons recalls to memory the fact that during the campaign of 1864, and before his capture in front of Atlanta, he marched and fought for weeks without pants, except the waistband and pockets. In all probability he was captured in that condition.""

Mr. Lastinger, referring to typographical errors, states that ""S.S. Smith was evidently ""Levi T. Smith, a member of

Company G. The comrade makes this remarkable statement: ""I can call the roll of Company G by heart, having committed it to memory from hearing it called so often by Serg. Anderson; and I remember the face of every member of the company, which numbered one hundred and twelve when the campagin opened at Dalton, in 1864. Our number was greatly reduced when we reached Jonesboro, August 31. In that battle there were only thirty to enter, and we lost ten of them. David T. Carroll, Henry Stokes, and J.M.J. McCranie were killed, and H.H. Knight, M.D. Knight, James Deloach, John W. Peeples, and Aaron Moore were wounded. Two of these, Peeples and M.D. Knight, have died since the war.""

What would take place next was days of research and travels to various research centers. Waco, Texas is in McLennan County, Texas and this information was taken from W.H. Lastinger's obituary.


"W.H. Lastinger, aged 73, well known Wacoan, and a pioneer resident of this city, died this morning at 3 o'clock, at his home, 529 North Thirteen street. The funeral will take place tormorrow morning at 10 o'clock from the family residence, Rev. R.E. Goodrich, pastor of Austin Avenue Methodist Church, officiating, interment to be made at Oakwood. The active pall bearers will be: John M. Connor, B.H. Hill, E.H. Bruyerre, Sam J. Smith, Asa Warner, and N.T. Cheatham.

Born in Georgia, Mr. Lastinger first came to Waco in 1888. He was a practicing attorney in his native state during Grover Cleveland's first term as president, and was commissioned by the department of Indian affairs for special service in what was then the Indian Territory. He served in this capacity in 1886, 1887, and part of 1888.

When he located in Waco, he engaged in the banking business, becoming associated with the late Col. S.W. Slayden, president of the State Central bank, the latter being the president of the bank, Mr. Lastinger being the cashier. when the charter of the bank expired, Mr. Lastinger continued to be associated with Col. Slayden.

Ten years ago Mr. Lastinger removed to Mercedes, Texas, where he continued in the banking business, being president there of the Hidalgo State bank, which office he relinquished a year ago, when he retired from active business life and returned to Waco on account of ill health. Mr. Lastinger had been most successful as a banker, he having made a close and most intimate study of banking methods. Mr. Lastinger was known to and beloved by many in this city, especially in business circles. He was a man of his word in every instance, and his reliability and dependability stood out as two of the main characteristics in his successful business career.

During the civil war Mr. Lastinger served as a member of company I, 29th Georgia regiment. He was a faithful and most consistent member of the Methodist church, and he had been a member of the Masonic fraternity for at least 50 years. Besides his wife, Mr. Lastinger is survived by two sons and three daughters, W.W. Lastinger, Waco; E.G. Lastinger, Monterey Mexico; Mrs. W.B. McKinley, Melrose, N.M.; Miss Martha Lastinger, Waco, and Miss Gladys Lastinger, Grand Rapids, Mich. He also has four brothers and four sisters in Georgia. The survivors have the sympathy of many in their great bereavement."

As one might imagine things were not looking too good for me at the Camp Chase Cemetery. A Mason, a consistent church goer, a well respected member of the business community, a memory like a elephant, an attorney, all pointed to an early conclusion that his story was true. But if W. H. Lastinger was not buried in grave 225 at Camp Chase then who was? The only inconsistent issue in these two articles was that Lastinger had reported being with Company G and his obituary said Company I. Easy enough mistake to be made. The next research item was to take a careful look at W.H. Lastinger's Compiled Military Service Records.

According to W.H. Lastinger's CMSR's he enlisted in Company K of the 29th Georgia Infantry in September of 1862 at Savannah, Georgia. His rank was a private. Other than a period in the hospital for intermittent fever in April of 1863 he was present and accounted for. He was captured near Atlanta, Georgia on August 7, 1864 by the 14th Army Corps and turned over to the Army of the Cumberland and taken to Nashville,TN., Louisville,KY., and finally to Camp Chase. He arrived at the Camp Chase Prison on August 18, 1864 and died of pneumonia on August 29, 1864 at Camp Chase. He was buried according to the records in grave # 225.

Although we might think of Lastinger as an uncommon surname they were not in the 29th Georgia Infantry as 11 different Lastinger's show up in this regiment. They were:

1)Alfred Lastinger in the Adjutant General's Office has him in Company K while his CMSR has him in Company C. Wounded at Chickamauga, GA., he was captured in June 1864 near Kennesaw Mountain, GA.,and taken to Camp Morton,IN., and exchanged in February 1865.

2) Andrew J. Lastinger both AGO and CMSR have him in Company E. He died of wounds occured at Chickamauga, GA., September 1863.

3) Charles M. Lastinger CMSR have him with Company H and the AGO (Adjutant General's Office) has him with Company E. Died at Hill Hosptial at Covington, GA., February 8, 1864.

4) Elias Lastinger AGO has him listed with Company D, CMSR's have him listed in Company K. Killed near Atlanta, GA., July 20, 1864.

5) Henry A. Lastinger Both the CMSR's and the AGO has him listed as Company C. Wounded at Chickamauga, GA., September 1863 sent home on wounded furlough. Survived War.

6) James G. Lastinger AGO has him listed in Company E while the CMSR's have him in Company H. Captured at Missionary Ridge, TN., November 25, 1863 and died of pneumonia at hospital in Nashville,TN., January 11, 1864.

7) Lacy E. Lastinger CMSR's have him with Company K and AGO has him in Company D. Captured at Nashville, TN., December 16, 1864 and taken to Johnson's Island. Survived the War buried in Adel, GA.

8) Peter C. Lastinger the CMSR's have him with Company K and AGO has him listed in Company D. Corporal and on special duty at Camp Young, GA., survived the War.

9) Seaborn E. Lastinger AGO has him with Company E while the CMSR's have him with Company H. Died of Pneumonia at the Bartow Hospital in Savannah, GA., on December 8, 1861.

10) Seaborn J. Lastinger AGO listed as Company C and CMSR's listed as Company G. killed by an accidental explosion on James Island, SC., on September 15, 1863.

11) William H. Lastinger is which we have already covered.

Genealogy was now called for and found. Going to the Washington Memorial Library in Macon, GA., where some say are some of the better genealogy records are available. During this trip they did not let me down. Upon research I found that there were two William H. Lastinger's!

1)One was William Hart Lastingter who was with Company K 29th Georgia and buried at Camp Chase. The other was William Hiram Lastinger.

The two William H. Lastinger's had the same great grandfather. His name was Johannes and he came to America from Germany in the 1700's. The two Lastinger's were first cousins twice removed or otherwise known as third cousins. William Hart Lastinger who died at Camp Chase had a father named James. William Hart Lastinger married Eliza M. Martin on December 7, 1859 in Bullock County, Georgia. William Hart Lastinger was born in 1834 and died in 1864. Eliza M. Martin his wife was born in 1839 and died in September of 1922. Since Eliza had remarried after William Hart's Lastingers death she was not allowed a widow's pension. Both William Hart and his wife Eliza had four children they were:

1) Peter Lastinger

2) Janie Martin Lastinger born December 17, 1862.

3) Henry B. Lastinger born August 22, 1861. 4) Willie Alice Lastinger born February 1864 and died about 1889.

William Hart Lastinger also had these brothers and sisters.

1) John H. Lastinger born 1826 died March 1900.

2) Elias L. Lastinger born 1831 died July 20, 1864 see above information.

3) Amanda Lastinger born March 1838 and married Frank Brannen.

4) James A. Lastinger born November 1839 and died December 1896. 5) Susan Lastinger born 1849 married General Burnsed.

Now lets explore William Hiram Lastinger who claimed as being with the 29th Georgia Infantry. William Hiram Lastinger fathers name was William. His father William was born on October 1, 1804 in Emanuel County Georgia and died on February 10, 1893 in Lowndes County Georgia just five years before William Hiram Lastinger would make his claim as being with the 29th Georgia Infantry. William Lastinger married Louisa English on October 27, 1831. Louisa would die in 1890. William Hiram Lastinger was born on April 27, 1845. And if we look at his obituary from before we notice that he was 73 years of age when he died in December of 1918. Making him being born in 1845 which matches exactly. His death place is listed as being in Waco, Texas which again makes the perfect match. William Hiram Lastinger married Georgia Augusta Jones on December 13, 1866 at Cat Creek, Georgia. Georgia Augusta Jones was the daughter of Rev. John Jones of Carrolton, GA. Georgia Augusta Lastinger died in 1932 at Waco, Texas. They had 6 children and they were:

1) William Walter Lastinger born 1867 died 1946

2) Charles Cleburn Lastinger born 1869 died 1910.

3) Loula Augusta Lastinger Born 1871 died 1933.

4) Martha or Mattie Lastinger born 1877 and died 1923.

5) E. Gordon Lastinger born 1878 and died 1948.

6) Gladys Clara Lastinger born 1890 in Waco Texas and died in 1943. Gladys married J.R. Lambert on August 6, 1925.

Now lets explore William Hiram Lastinger's brothers and sisters they were:

1) Henry Andrew Lastinger born 1832 and died December 28, 1906.

2) Peter Cornelius Lastinger born November 8, 1834 and died July 26, 1920.

3) Seaborn James Lastinger born May 3, 1837 in Lowndes County, Georgia and died in that accidental explosion on September 15, 1863 near Charleston, SC.

4) Annis Lastinger born September 6, 1839 and died June 8, 1913.

5) Elizabeth Lastinger born September 28, 1841 and died January 12, 1935.

6) Lacy Elias Lastinger born August 3, 1843 and died 1936.

7) Josusa Berrien Lastinger born February 22, 1847 and died January 26, 1931.

8) Sarah or Sally Lastinger born June 28, 1848 and died July 2, 1848 as an infant.

9) Jane Lastinger born October 11, 1849 and died April 1, 1919.

10) Infant Lastinger born October 11, 1851 and died October 11, 1851.

11) Martha Lastinger born May 18, 1852 and died November 15, 1853.

12) Kansas Lastinger born September 19, 1855 and died January 28, 1907.

13) Nebraska Lastinger born October 6, 1857 and died 1940. 14) Arizona Lastinger born November 27, 1859 and died February 15, 1954. So a total of 15 children including William Hiram Lastinger were born to William and Louisa Lastinger.

In addition to these records I located the 1864 Georgia Census. Georgia was the only state to have a 1864 census because then Governor Joseph Brown wanted to know of all males in the State of Georgia in case if needed for a militia. Only two people by the name of Lastinger show up. They are the father of William Hiram Lastinger who was William and was listed as being a farmer in Berrien County Georgia and as being 59 years and nine months of age in 1864 and was listed with his youngest son Joshua Berrien Lastinger who was listed as being 16 years and 11 months old in 1864. Both Lastinger's in the 1864 census were listed in the 6th Senatorial District in the 1144 Militia District.

Finally lets explore the names that William Hiram Lastinger mentioned in the Confederate Veteran Magazine.

1) G.W. Bonds he has an alternative name of James W. Bonds. He did die at Camp Chase of general debility and was with Company G. He was captured at Nashville,TN. He died on April 19, 1865.

2) William Hodge he has an alternative name of Hodge. He was captured at Nashville,TN died at Camp Chase of pneumonia on January 26, 1865. He was with Company D however it was reorganized and became Company K in May of 1862. William Hodge/Hodges had no CMSR. Only a statement was made at Camp Chase on his death and capture. This was used as proof for family pension later on.

3) R McKinney his name was Robert N. McKinney alternative name was McKenny. He was captured at Nashville,TN. He died on February 1, 1865. He was with Company E with would later become Company H.

4) John T. Sirmons alternative names. John T. Sirmans/Sermons/Simons He was captured near Atlanta,GA., on August 7, 1864 and taken to Chase. Died of Small-pox on January 7, 1865. He was with Company C which became Company G on May 7, 1862.

5) Elihu H. Tygart alternative names E.H. Tygart/Elisha L. Tygart Captured at Nashville,TN December 16, 1864. He was with Company C which would become Company G on May 7,1862. He died of pneumonia at Camp Chase on January 9, 1865.

And when William Hiram Lastinger speaks of John M.J. McCranie being killed at Jonesboro,GA he is correct. There are some CMSR's that do not exist for the 29th Georgia Infantry in my opinion. However knowing the soldiers as he appears to let us believe he should have known of soldiers by his same last name, especially his 3rd cousin (William Hart Lastinger) from Southern Georgia which was where William Hiram Lastinger was also from.

In defense of William Hiram Lastinger:

While it's true that he did not have a Complied Military Service Record in the Confederate Military some records were lost or destroyed. It is also true that Mrs. Georgia A. Lastinger the widow of William Hiram Lastinger was denied a Confederate pension in 1925. The reason for the denial seems to have been because she filed the pension in New Mexico and not Texas. She also was informed that a William H. Lastinger of Company K 29th Georgia had died at Camp Chase. The 1864 Georgia census indicates that he could have been in the military because his name is not listed. I do not know any of my third cousins and I doubt if few readers of this article do. A book named "The John Lastinger Family of America by Aurora C. Shaw was located. I shall quote the work:

"William Hiram Lastinger (son of William, son of Andrew, son of John) was the great-grandson of our immigrant ancestors, John and Barabra Lastinger grandson to Andrew and Mary (Parker) Lastinger, was born to William and Louisa (English) Lastinger, 23 April 1845, in Ware County, Georgia. Reared in Milltown, now Lakeland, Lowndes County, Georgia, he enlisted in the Confederacy at Savannah in July of 1863, and was assigned to Company G, 29th Georgia Infantry under the command of Captain E.B. Carroll, Col. Wm. D. Mitchell, Walker's Division of Hood's Army, being later transferred to Company I. Due to his diminutive size, he was assigned as drummer. He was in the battle of Jonesborough at the surrender of Atlanta. He also participated in the fighting at Decatur, Alabama, he was overcome with pneumonia and was returned to Columbus to the hosptial and was there at the time of the surrender. William's service experiences are futher referred to in a letter written from Adel, Georgia in 1932 by Lacy, his brother, to William's grandson"

"About the 30th of August we were at Jonesborough below Atlanta and brother William came over to my Company and I would not let him report for duty the next morning. We then pulled off the Jonesborough fight where a number of your Grandpa's company were killed. I gave your Grandpa my drum wiich took care of him and as I was personally known and an officer, I had no need for a passport. We both went to the hospital and waited on the wounded and it was not long before they came back in a large number. We fought all day and fell back that night. The next day your Grandpa and I were standing by a rifle pit, when we should have been in it, but there had been no firing all day. Your Grandpa was changing his shirt and had his hands up trying to get them through the sleeves and I was standing close by when two Yankees at long distance took a double shot at us, Zip - zip. They missed but we heard the guns and bullets, too. As above stated your Grandpa fell out under an attack of pneumonia on Hood's march into Tennessee at Tuscumbie."

"This letter written after the death of William's wife, told also of the wedding of William Hiram Lastinger to Georgia Augusta Jones, which occurred 13th of December 1866 at Cat Creek, Lowndes County, Georgia, with Lacy, his brother, as ""waiter"" (best man), and Miss Beaty (later Mrs. Tom Crawford), standing with them. This couple was described as being small in stature, and on the day of their wedding, presided over as fine a dinner as was ever served."

"Georgia was born 15 July 1849 in Carrolton, Carroll County, Georgia, to the Reverend John Jones who was from South Carolina, appartently a Methodist Minister. (John Jones was born 4 Nov. 1800 and married 16 Feb. 1826 to R.L.B., who was born 1 Jan. 1811-Bible reference). Georgia died 24 Feb. 1932."

Upon looking at Lacy Elias Lastinger's CMSR's he was with Company D until it reorganzied on May 7, 1862 when it became Company K 29th Georgia Infantry. In June of 1862 private Lacy Lastinger was shown as a drummer. Company K was also on detached duty along the coast and reported back to the 29th Georgia at Dalton, Georgia in 1864. Lacy also achived the rank of 1st Lieutenant. Lacy was captured at the battle of Nashville and taken to Johnson's Island where he took the oath on June 16, 1865. Lacy being an officer and giving William Hiram Lastinger a drum when he sees him supports his letter as shown above.

In defense of William Hart Lastinger dying at the Camp Chase Prison:

Again from the book "The John Lastinger Family of America" by Aurora C. Shaw, we see this for William Hart Lastinger. "William Hart Lastinger born 1834 died 1864, killed in Civil War, (served in Company K 29th Georgia Regiment), died at Camp Chase Prison, Ohio, and his grave is said to be marked there. His mother said he was her best boy, and she called him her "heart". This information was contained in a letter by Janie Lastinger, his daughter, in 1939, at which time her address was 212 S. 9th Ave., Wauchula, Florida. William married Eliza M. Martin, 7 December 1859, Bulloch County, Georgia. Eliza was born about 1839 and died at the age of 83, 19 September 1922. She had remarried to G.H. Mock who preceded her in death, about 1920."

In conclusion:

There is little doubt that William Hart Lastinger of Company K 29th Georgia died at Camp Chase and is buried in grave #225. While it also appears that William Hiram Lastinger was with Company G of the 29th Georgia he does not have the proof other than family letters to support his case. My opinion is that he was in the said unit however why he did not know of his 3rd cousin with the same name in Company K where his brother was a member remains a mystery.


Compliled Military Service Records
Camp Chase Records
Georgia Salzburgers and allied families published by the Georgia Salzburger Society
The 1864 census for re-organizing the Georgia Militia compiled by Nancy J. Cornell
Civil War soldiers and sailors ie National Park Service
1860 and other US census
Confederate pensions records
Lillian Henderson Confederate records
Confederate Veteran Magazine
The John Lastinger Family of America

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